POLISH DYNAMIC BILLARD 10-BALL OPEN - WPA Ranking Event Kielce, GRAND HOTEL • 14-17 марта 2024

Пул 10
Место проведения
76 Sienkiewicza Str.
14-03-2024 09:00





    14-17.03.2024 – Kielce – Poland


PLACE/ VENUE:  Grand Hotel

25-501 Kielce, 78, Sienkiewicza Str -Poland,

TABLES: 16 x Dynamic III 9-ft, Aramith Balls, Iwan Simonis Cloth,

PARTICIPANTS : 128 - Stage 2

WPA (ranking) – 20 ;

BCA – 16;

EPBF – 32;

ACBS – 16;

AAPA – 4;

CPB – 4;

OPBA- 2 ,

Poland – 10

Qualification:  16 - from Stage 1,  Wild cards – EEBC/PBA – 8.   Competitor entries for Stage 2 will close by January 27, 2024. 

Spots not used by the WPA or continental federations will be transferred to the PBA/EEBC.

Competitors applications for Stage 1 will be accepted until February 20, 2024.  Announcements to: sekretarz@bilard-sport.pl  SPORT SYSTEM 10-Ball – WPA rules, race to 7 ( Stage 1) , race to 7-8  (Stage 2), double KO.  Best 32 single elimination race to 8.  Stage 1 – 64 participants – 16 players will qualify for the Stage 2,    Stage 2 – 128 participants.  

ENTRY FEE :  400 PLN (100 USD) – Stage 1 ,            1.400 PLN (350 USD) – Stage 2 ,

Competitors who advance from Stage 1 to Stage 2 pay an additional 1.000 PLN (250 USD) entry fee.


East European Billiard Council , 84A, Zagnanska Str , 25-528 Kielce,

Account in Polish Zloty (PLN)

IBAN: PL 74 1050 1416 1000 0090 9652 6554



14.03. –Stage 1 – 9.00 a.m. – player’s meeting and start of matches,

           5.pm.- End of Stage 1 competition 

            - arrival day for Stage 2

            8.00 p.m. – opening ceremony,

15-16.03. – Stage 2 - double KO system, (4 x 32 people)

17.03.  – single elimination – 32 players,

               - award and closing ceremony

PRIZE MONEY    - 320.000 PLN – ( 80.000 USD) The value of the prize given in dollars is for information purposes only.


  1.      000 PLN   (18.000 USD)
  2. 000 PLN  (10.000 USD)
  3. 000 PLN  (6.000 USD) (x2)

5-8.      16.000 PLN (4.000 USD) ( x 4)

9-16.      8.000 PLN (2.000 USD)  (x 8)

17-32.    2.000 PLN (500 USD) ( x 16)

Tax – In accordance with Polish law, 10% tax will be withheld from the prizes.Prizes for places 17-32 will be paid in cash. Payment for places 1-16 will be made by bank transfer.

Prizes will be paid in Polish zlotys. At the individual request of a player, the tournament director may agree to payment in dollars or euros.



Tournament hotel : Grand Hotel, 25-501 Kielce , 78 Sienkiewicza Str., Poland,

Single room – 340 PLZ (80 euro) - incl. breakfast.

Double-twin room – 420 PLZ (99 euro)  - incl. breakfast.

Booking in the hotel: hotel@grandhotelkielce.pl phone- + 48 41 365 50 00 until February 15th.

Every player is obliged to stay a minimum of 2 nights at the hotel / venue, starting with the accreditation day as the first night.


Winner breaks. Referee racks on all tables – players may not approach or inspect the rack.


 If a player is not present at the posted match time, the player should notify the Tournament Director or Head referee.

The Tournament Director or Heah referee will penalize the player one game and place the player “on the clock.”  The Tournament Director or Head referee will subsequently penalize the player one game for every 5 minutes, until he is present.

 If the player is not present after 15 minutes of being placed “on the clock,” it is a forfeit.


No open practice is allowed at all on the feature table.


Players may not use their cell phones during a match.

Other electronic devices used for communication are not allowed during the match.

They must be put away, out of sight and on silent mode during the match.


There is a 30-second shot clock on the feature table only. For the other tables, the referee(s) will monitor and enforce the WPA slow play rule if necessary.

Extended 60-second shot clock after the break

60-second shot clock on incoming player after a push out.

One (1) 30-second extension per game

The shot clock begins when all balls have come to rest, and the opposing player returns to his or her chair.


 Players may only take a break in-between racks.

 Players may use the break for any purpose other than smoking.  The break is 5 minutes long.


Pants Long dress pants; no shorter than 2 inches above the ankle. Women may wear skirt or dress which cover the knees. Colors: neutral, solid colors - beige, brown, dark blue, dark green, gray. and black. Denim material is not allowed except dark black color and not ripped. Shoes Clean black shoes (incl. black sole) Closed toe shoes Sandals/ flip-flops/ crocks (or similar) are not allowed. Shirt Clean collared sleeve (long or short) shirt or polo of any color. Shirt or polo must be tucked in. Women may wear an elegant top, a blouse or a dress which needs to cover the shoulders. A full zipped jacket is allowed (hoodies are not allowed). T-shirts are not allowed. Same logo rules apply to shirt, polo- and jackets


Under no circumstances will the organization accept any of these clothing:

- Athletic wear of any kind, including but not limited to sweats, swimwear, jogging suits, uniforms, jerseys, or any type of pants with contrasting stripes not associated with formal wear.

- Shorts of any kind, regardless of apparent length. Pants must be normal in respect to the appropriate rise in relation to the length of garment and may not be excessively baggy or loose fitting.

- Overalls, coveralls, jeans, hats, headphones, or earpieces (unless medical need, proof required)


This event will be broadcast live on the following platforms:  TVSPORTS.PL  and TVSPORTS.pl facebook,


Mak Marketing, Polish Billiard Association, East European Billiard Council, Świętokrzyskie Stowarzyszenie Sportowe

SANCIONED BY World Pool Association. 

GENERAL SPONSOR: Dynamic Billiard Organization – Germany

SPONSORS:  Marshal of Swietokrzyskie Province, Predator Group, Cuetec, Aramith, Iwan Simonis, Kamui,

MEDIA: TVP 3 Kielce, SPORT KLUB TV, TVSPORTS.pl Radio Kielce, Radio Rekord, CK Kielce, Echo Dnia, Redio EM, Gazeta Wyborcza


https://www.flixbus.pl/                      BUSES

 https://www.pkp.pl/pl/home          TRAIN


These terms set forth the legally binding rules for participation in the event. By registering, players agree to be bound by all terms and conditions set forth by PBA , EEBC  and other event partners. If you are under the age of 18, you agree to obtain the consent of your legal guardian to participate under these terms.   You acknowledge that you have read and completely understand the latest edition of the Tournament Regulations and/or all rules and regulations and you will check for the latest edition of all documents prior to the event start. You agree to abide by all rules & regulations implemented by PBA , EEBC  and other event partners. PBA , EEBC  and other event partners reserve the following rights and responsibilities: determine a player’s eligibility, refuse entry to anyone for any reason, change field sizes, adjust ratings, display names and ratings online, change schedules & payouts based on, but not limited to, field sizes, inclement weather, acts of God, war, or terrorism. 

 You accept this when you register and refusal to follow safety rules and regulations is not justification for a refund.  You understand that your participation in this event is completely voluntary. PBA , EEBC  and all representatives, agents, sponsors and affiliates are released and to be held harmless of and from any injury, illness, losses, damages, liability or expenses of any kind incurred by me, my heirs or personal representatives either caused or alleged to be caused during or surrounding this event. Maximum liability to PBA , EEBC  and all event partners, if any, shall be limited to reimbursement of the entry fee paid.   Disqualification from any PBA , EEBC  event, for any reason, shall result in forfeiture of any prize money won by that player or team, and possible suspension from future  PBA , EEBC  produced events.   PBA , EEBC  and other event partners may use your photograph, image, likeness or name for information, reporting or promotional purposes via print, video and other media without limitation or compensation of any kind. By participating, you further release all media and appearance rights to PBA , EEBC   and other event partners for the production of televised matches, recorded or broadcast at the event and for all photographic images taken at the event. By registering, you agree that PBA , EEBC   and other event partners may also add your email address to its email list and send you periodic emails at its sole discretion.



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