Roonie O’Sullivan cue action analysis
Hello snooker fans this me Vilius Schulte-Ebbert EBSA professional snooker coach. I’m starting snooker coaching series where I will analyse Top 16 snooker players right now. I will explain in detail how their cue action and overall technique works. All Top 16 players are technically different but efficient in their own way. Learn from the best of the best!
Roonie O’Sullivan is probably the most talented snooker player who is ever lived. His potting, break building skills, safety game are one of the best in professional snooker game. In today’s training snooker video I will only analyse Roonie O’Sullivans cue action and try to explain how it works for him personally. Watch the video and use some tips to improve your game and take you to another level. Let’s get on with that! Part 1 
Stance, setup position. Roonie O’Sullivan has a classical snooker stance. His right leg is straight and left leg bend. Both legs are shoulder width apart which gives him comfort and balance. Left foot points straight, and right foot is on the aiming line and slightly turned about 30-40 degrees to the right side. His stance is rock solid and you can’t say anything wrong about it. His right arm hangs 90 degrees angle to the cue, and has enough space to the chest which is bonus because it allows to deliver cue with the less effort.
Bridge hand position and distance. Bridge hand has a nice V shape, fingers are spread which allows him to have stability in his cue movement. Roonie has an optimal bridge hand distance, about 25 cm away from the cue ball to the V shape, which is not too long and not too short. His left arm is just slightly bend for the stability and comfort.
Shoulder, elbow, head position. His right shoulder is above his head, elbow slightly inside off the straight line, his left shoulder is close to the head. This kind of position works for him and helps to keep straight cueing and cue delivery on the straight line. 
Backswing and timing. Roonie has a long and smooth backswing. Compare to other snooker professionals his backswing is the most relaxed and efficient. Smooth and long backswing helps him hit the cue ball with the acceleration which is bonus because it allows him play shots with the less power and speed. This creates very good timing on the cue delivery.
 Pre shot routine shot approach and aiming. Roonie always stands behind the shot, looks to the object ball and only then he does his shot approach. On the shot approach he puts his right, left legs on the stance position and cue on the aiming line first. This process happens when he still stands high. Then he bends down puts his chest and chin on the cue.  These techniques helps to put his cue, eyes and body at the correct position in most cases.
Follow through – Roonie has longer follow through compare to other Top professionals. This happens because he drops his elbow on the cue delivery and creates more follow through especially on medium and hard pace shots. Somehow he creates more cue power and delivers cue on the straight line. For other players it is a very difficult task to do that, because it is difficult to hold cue on the straight line in such a way. I would say that this technical aspect is unique about Roonie and allows him to have huge advantage against other.
Let me know what you think about this video. Share your thoughts in the comments below description box!
On the 2 part I will talk more about Roonie O’Sullivan cue action so stay tun!
If you have any problems in your snooker game leave your comment below description box. I will try to make videos about this topics as soon as possible.
Billiard Club "LEADER" 5, Semena Sklyarenko
Vilius Schulte:       +37062089254   Viber/ Whatsapp/ Telegram
Igor Lytovchenko:  +380965617638 Viber/ Whatsapp/ Telegram