Playing “Free Pyramid” you should follow
“Pyramid general rules”
and the following rules:
1. Object of the game.
To score eight points prior to the opponent.
2. Balls used.
Standard set of sixteen pyramid balls: fifteen ivory white balls numbered 1-15 plus one colored (preferably yellow) unnumbered ball.
In the game of «Free pyramid» there is no permanent dividing the balls into the one and only cue ball (struck by the cue) and the object balls (struck by the cue ball)
When performing any stroke (except the opening break) a player can use any ball on the bed of the table (regardless of its number and color) as a cue ball.
Reciprocally all the other balls on the bed of the table (regardless of their number and color) can be treated as object balls.
3. Racking the balls.
According to “Pyramid general rules” p.8.1 and p.8.2
4. Opening break shot.
The opening break shot is performed with cue ball in hand from home (from behind the home-line) according to “Pyramid general rules” p.11 and p.12.
5. Continuing Play:
5.1. Before any shot (except the opening break) a player is entitled with a free choice of the cue ball.
5.2. If any ball is pocketed on a legal shot, the shooter continues to play thus receiving a new free choice of the cue ball.
5.3. If no ball is pocketed on a legal shot, a turn to perform the next shot with a new free choice of a cue ball goes to the opponent.
5.4. It is allowed to pocket any object ball as well as to pocket a cue ball off any object ball.
5.5. There is no need to call the ball or the pocket. Any additionally pocketed ball(balls) on a legal shot is counted in the shooter’s favor.
5.6. Any shot (except the opening break) should be legally completed according to p.20 “Pyramid general rules”. Otherwise it is a foul.
6. Scoring.
Any legally pocketed ball counts one point for the shooter.
In case of a foul one point is added to the opponent’s score.
7. Standard Fouls.
In case of a foul (along with one point added to the opponent’s score) any ball (according to the opponent choice) is taken from the bed of the table and placed onto an opponent’s shelf for pocketed balls. Such a ball is called the penalty ball. It is taken from the bed of the table after all the illegally pocketed balls and all the balls jumped off the table are spotted according to p.21 “Pyramid general rules”.
8. Spotting balls.
All the illegally pocketed balls and all the balls jumped off the table are spotted according to p.25 “Pyramid general rules”.